After many cold, snowy or rainy days, the time has finally come: Spring is here, and not just on the calendar. The sun is shining, some plants are already showing their buds, the grass begins to grow - it becomes greener and more colorful around us again. And especially in the corona pandemic, that's not only nice, but also balm for the soul.

The smart to plan team is also happy about this. Measuring outdoors with our app is already good fun. But it's even more fun in the sun and the coming warmth. For us, spring also means that our app for digital measurements will soon be regularly launched on the market.

What does spring mean for our gardens and thus for us gardeners?

Seasons have always played an important role in the garden. In order to keep a garden healthy and attractive, it has to be taken care of with different seasonal measures. Now in the spring, winter debris such as leaves and sticks must be removed to protect them from the winter sun in order to prepare the growth for the summer. It is time for the first spring cut, scarifying, reseeding if necessary, regular mowing, soil maintenance, etc. Technical devices such as pond robots or irrigation systems must also be reactivated and awaken from their hibernation.

Spring time is planting time

In particular, we can now plant summer and autumn flowering shrubs, roses, grasses, trees and hedges. Spring is the right time for new accents in your garden. You can again plant plants that will soon exude a wonderful scent in your garden and invite insects and birds. The time has come again to plant the beloved raised beds. You will soon be able to harvest vegetables and herbs. In March and early April it is about time for the heralds of spring among the vegetables such as radishes, rocket, lettuce, spinach, radish and parsley. At the end of April, leeks, onions and spring onions are also added.

Raised bed blog article smarttoplan spring

Spring at smart to plan

This year, of course, the growing grass, the sun, more time outside and the scent of the flowers give us spring fever. But one thing is very special for us this year: Our app is ready, the beta phase is almost over and in a few weeks we will start regularly offering our app for digital measurements outdoors. We can hardly wait to give numerous gardeners in GaLaBau more time this year thanks to our app. With smart to plan, measurements are not only exact, you can save around 75% of your time. And you only need your smartphone! Stay up to date and subscribe to ours Newsletter or look all Features in detail.



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You can download smart to plan from the App Store as well as Google Play Store
and test it free of charge for the first 14 days.
