Our Blog

Find out more about the measurement app and gardening & landscaping.


The up­date with new fea­tures goes live!

smart to plan now offers new functions, namely an angle and magnet function for…

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Raised bed planting smart to plan measurement

Build rai­sed beds with smart to plan

Gardening is in and the raised bed is becoming more and more popular. We…

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10 Fragen an Manfred Hörnschemeyer

10 ques­ti­ons for: Man­fred Hörnschemeyer

In this series we introduce the team of smart to plan. How did the team come up…

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Deforestation paper production - smart to plan paper conservation and climate protection

Cli­ma­te pro­tec­tion with smart to plan

With smart to plan you are doing something to protect the climate. Every action…

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10 ques­ti­ons for: Ma­rie-So­phie Schoppe

In the series "10 questions for:" the team behind smart to plan is presented in…

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launch smart to plan

Re­a­dy for down­load in the Goog­le Play Store and App Store

The day has come our team has been waiting for: Our measurement app is ready…

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