Soon the time has finally come: The measurement app for gardening and landscaping goes live! Months of work, discussions, joy, tears, laughter, despair, sleepless nights, stressful days and a good dose of optimism are behind us. We are incredibly pleased that our dream of a measurement app has come true with smart to plan and that we can now share it with you. Who is actually behind it? What was the path from the idea to the app for landscaping? What can you expect with smart to plan? We want to reveal all of this to you below!
From the challenge to the solution
Sascha Bohl is a self-trained master in gardening and landscaping and initially had the idea for smart to plan. Like many other gardeners and landscapers, he was faced with the challenge of measuring the outside area - absolutely necessary for projects, but always an endeavor that costs nerves. Taking measurements takes time, errors occur, the weather can make everything even more laborious and somehow manual measurements are no longer entirely up-to-date in our digitalized world.
The idea was born: an app that makes measurements easy, quick and cost-saving. Intended primarily for gardeners in gardening and landscaping, but also for hobby gardeners and for everyone who simply likes to measure. But of course an idea alone is not enough, it has to be implemented technically. So Sascha got support on board: Marie-Sophie Schoppe, who, after completing her apprenticeship in gardening and landscaping, completed a degree in landscape architecture and environmental planning and now works for us as a project manager. Manfred Hörnschemeyer, who eventually became the company co-founder because he was convinced by the idea of smart to plan. And THIS IS ! DMG, who are responsible for the technical implementation of the digital measurement app, consulting and marketing.
From the solution to the result
With this great team from different disciplines, a good basis for the development of the measurement app was created, but the way was still long and rocky. It took almost a year before we were able to achieve results with the measurement app that were comparable to those of manual measurement with a wheel, pen and paper. Now we can proudly say that smart to plan is exactly what we were looking for ourselves. The measurement app for gardeners goes live!
With smart to plan you need around 75% less time for exact measurements outdoors, for example to measure a garden. With the horticulture app you can create customer folders, add measurements, photos, (voice) notes and thus have a good overview of your projects. You can also easily download measurements as PDF or DXF, forward them and process them further. With smart to plan you are up-to-date and can use the time you have gained for further projects. Check out all features in more detail! Laborious measurements? That's history!
Any questions?
So far, our measurement app is available as an iOS version, although we are already working intensively on the Android version. We are initially starting with a beta version in order to further optimize the app. Always keep up to date by subscribing to our newsletter, or follow us on Facebook and Instagram. If you have any questions, you can always contact us! We look forward to the future!
Your smart to plan team