10 questions for: is our new series of short conversations with the people behind the measurement app smart to plan. The questions are always the same. Today it is: 10 questions for Sascha Bohl.

Sascha has been a master in gardening and landscaping since 2011 and came up with the idea for smart to plan a good two years ago. With his team and a lot of support, it was possible to implement the idea of an app for digital measurements in the outdoor area.

In order to get to know the smart to plan team better, we want to introduce everyone in the next few weeks and months. To do this, we always ask them the same questions. Only the answers are different. Here we go!

1. What was your dream job as a child?

As a child, I wanted to be a dentist. So something completely different to being a gardener, although you need a precise feeling for both (laughs).

2. smart to plan - from the idea to the result. What will you always remember?

Joy, tears, the first tests in the Steinriede in Garbsen near Hanover, problems with lighting conditions, further tests with Marie in the parks of Hanover and the constant exchange of new ideas and developments with the team from This is DMG! .

3. What is your plant tip for this time of year?

Helleborus niger (Christmas rose), because it is blooming despite the snow cover.

4. What do you like most about smart to plan?

For me there is clearly only one answer: my team!

5. What are the plans for the future?

The plans now are first of all the marketing of smart to plan, cooperations, further development and relaxed growth for our company.

6. Why would you recommend smart to plan to gardeners in horticulture and landscaping?

With smart to plan, you can really save a lot of time, which is the biggest advantage of our app. In addition, with smart to plan you simply work in a contemporary way, because with digital solutions you always remain competitive.

@ Marc Erwin Patzer

7. What do you love most about your job?

The many different people, working together in a team and developing new things.

8. Which plant best describes you and why?

The German oak, Quercus robur, because it is strong and robust. It protects everyone within its eaves. Whether the hardest frost or the hottest temperatures - nothing can really harm it. I myself work in shorts down to minus 12 degrees in winter (laughs).

9. What shouldn't be missing in any garden?

The rose scissors - what the surgeon's scalpel is to him, the rose scissors are to us.

10. What was the biggest challenge in the "smart to plan" project?

That was and is certainly to make the app available for every smartphone.


If you want to find out more about how the measurement app smart to plan can make your gardening and landscaping work easier, have a look at the Features. If you have any questions, please write to us at info@smarttoplan.com.

Test now 14 days for free

You can download smart to plan from the App Store as well as Google Play Store
and test it free of charge for the first 14 days.
